Nova Launcher v6.0Developers Tesla Coil has introduced Nova Launcher v6.0 beta in the Play Store. The last update was almost three months ago and now they back with all the requested features. The new beta update comes with features like a search button and improved settings layout.

Search Button

Nova Launcher v6.0 beta comes with a new search button which allows the users to search inside the setting. It’ll allow you to dig inside the menu to find the particular setting you need.

Improved Settings Layout

The new settings layout offers an improved interface by moving the Dock options under the Desktop section. Developers have also changed the settings hierarchy to make it easier to use.

Nova Launcher v6.0

Apart from these two, most of the changes are related to the UI customizations only. The new app drawer’s search bar given can be customized just like the desktop’s. Users are also allowed to select Nova Settings as the default search bar provider. The new update also offers some more Adaptive Icon shapes, including a customizable one.

The full changelog for the new Nova Launcher v6.0 are

  • Improved Settings menu layout: Dock options are now part of Desktop, more intuitive settings hierarchy, etc.
  • Nova Settings are now searchable for faster parsing.
  • More Adaptive Icon options available, including a new customizable shape.
  • Option to automatically match folder and app drawer icon size to the desktop.
  • New window styles in folders: choose from windowed or immersive modes.
  • Folder background shapes now share the same options as adaptive icons: Round, Squircle, etc.
  • App drawer search bar can now be stylized like on the desktop.
  • Search bar provider can now be set to Google or Nova Settings by default.
  • Added vertical or horizontal scrolling options for folders.
  • Icon resizing no longer requires Nova Prime (but you should probably buy it anyway).

If you haven’t tried the new Nova Launcher you can download it from the Play Store. For the beta update, You’ll need to sign up for the beta program. Also if you wish you can sideload the Nova Launcher v6.0 from the APK Mirror.

Download Nova v6.0 – Play Store | APK Mirror


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