Android has always had problem with inconsistencies in the UI of application in different OEM’s handsets but with Ice Cream Sandwich it is about to change for sure as Google has decided to go with a main theme “Holo” which will be the standard for all apps.

All the manufacturers will be required to include the Holo theme in their handsets running ICS. Tim Bray says on the Android developer Blog “Before Android 4.0 the variance in system themes from device to device could make it difficult to design an app with a single predictable look and feel. We set out to improve this situation for the developer community in Ice Cream Sandwich and beyond”.

While this doesn’t stop OEM’s from differentiating from others but the apps will have a consistent theme on all makers handsets which will make it easy for the developers to design their applications. Well you have to agree the “Holo” theme on Ice Cream Sandwich has really nice visuals and we’ll be saved from some OEM’s not so innovative themes. Do you like the “Holo” theme ? We certainly do !




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