Back in December Microsoft released the hardware requirements but, around the world techies didn’t catch it mainly because it was 293 pages long. Finally yesterday Windows pointed out the main points of it.

  • All Windows 8 tablets or convertible PCs (laptop-tablet hybrids) must have 5 hardware buttons: power, rotation lock, volume up, volume down and a Windows key
  • All device should also support a minimum of 5 touch points at a time.
  • All tablets should feature WLAN, at least one USB 2.0 port, a gyroscope, a three-axis accelerometer, and a magnetometer.
  • The screen resolution for any tablet will be 1366×768.
  • Windows 8 tablets should support camera with a minimum resolution of 720p.
  • Only Intel-compatible Windows 8 devices will feature a 2-second resume, which means ARM-based tablets will take a little longer than that.
  • Microsoft requires that Windows 8 tablets with NFC technology should have “touch marks” which will give users a fair idea about the location of the sensor. In short, it will avoid the clashing of devices.
  • Windows key + Power key will now perform the function of Ctrl + Alt + Del for tablets without physical keyboards.


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