After initially announcing that the Galaxy S would not be getting the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update, Samsung changed its mind after the initial announcement met with some rage among the fans and users of the 2010 flagship and decided to review its decision and try of updating the device with ICS, but according to reports it appears the former flagship won’t be getting an official taste of the latest Android ROM.If the sources are to be believed and according to recent rumors, Samsung has returned to its earlier stand, it seems like the device will get a Value Pack update instead of the real Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.The Value Pack is said to improve the user experience by enhancing its functionality and bringing about some features of the ICS such as New widgets, improved web browsing, multitasking but there is no mention if the if other apps will be updated too.

Samsung had done a similar thing with their line of Bada phones when Wave525 and Wave533 were promised a Value Pack update instead of Bada 2.0. Maybe Samsung decided that their Touchwiz overlay on ICS won’t quite run smoothly on the Galaxy S hardware which might be true but we all know it can run the stock ICS quite smoothly and users can head over to XDA for a stock Android 4.0 ROM but it is certainly not for everyone, especially not for the non adventurous people !


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