With the leak of the Windows Phone 8 SDK (Software Development Kit), it seems there won’t be any feature left for Microsoft to show off as the SDK has been demoed on an emulator and it has leaked most of its features and it truly makes Windows Phone 8 way more competitve than what Windows Phone 7 could ever be.

The Verge posted a video demoing the Windows Phone 8 features on an emulator found in an early leaked SDK. The emulator provides basic access to the new Start Screen, IE10, Data Sense, Xbox the new Bing search, multiple select from gallery to delete/edit/share as well as the Tap to share (can be used on images/media too!), new theme colors, ability to choose what apps notify you on the homescreen, editing photos, removal of Zune branding from Music & Videos (replaced by Xbox). and many more brand new features.

Check out the video below and tell us what you think of the latest Windows Phone iteration. We hope these features make it to Windows Phone 7.8 as well and it will be interesting to see if Microsoft will have left anything to show off when it decides to unveil the consumer features.



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