The music streaming service Grooeshark is in the News again as around 30 music right holders have won a case, with the outcome being that Danish ISP ‘3’ would have to block all traffic to Grooveshark. The court sees Grooveshark as a service that violates copyright laws. The plaintiff have made the case that Grooveshark has no rights or licences to the music they are openly streaming. They also mentioned that all efforts to negotiate and take the unlicensed music off air failed.
It is understood that the ISP ‘3’ was randomly chosen to enforce this ruling. ‘3’ argued that not all content on Grooveshark is illegal and its primary usage is within all laws. Blocking access to Grooveshark would mean cutting off access to thousands of legal material. This ruling, according to ‘3’, has been blown out of proportion. The ISP has been given a few weeks time to act on the ruling.