If you’re the kind of person who is constantly pointed out for using electronic devices on an aircraft, this piece of news will be welcoming. The New York Times’ Nick Bilton, who has previously commissioned his own tests to demonstrate the safety of using electronic devices during taxi, takeoff and landing, has heard from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that they plan on taking a ‘fresh look’ at the ban. This may not be of great significance to most, but this is the first time a consideration of the existing rules related to this subject has been seen. As of now, however, the FAA is concerned with devices other cellphones.

At present, for a device to be approved, each and every model must be tested on an empty flight, one at a time. The testing procedure doesn’t stop there. Each device needs to be tested on every plane in an airline’s fleet, and again for every single airline that wants to allow the use of personal electronic devices, according to VP at Virgin America. This is a highly expensive and time consuming exercise, so airlines don’t conduct the necessary testing needed to allow the use of electronic devices.

This is the exact reason why things are going to be re-evaluated, according to FAA. They have also said that they will be working with ‘manufacturers, consumer electronic associations, aircraft and avionics manufacturers, airlines, pilots, flight attendants and passengers’ to solve the problem of getting the devices approved. It was in 2006 when the FAA did any testing on this matter. Since then, we’ve seen pilots using iPads as electronic flight pads, and e-readers and tablets have becomeĀ  a regular part of passengers’ carry-on bags. If it proven that its a 100% safe, then a majority of people would agree that it needs to be changed.