Last week Mike Lazaridis, CEO Research In Motion, along with co-CEO Jim Balsillie took leave from his 30 year career at Research In Motion allowing Thorsten Heins to take over his place. In an interview with “The Record” Lazaridis said that, “Stepping aside, as a founder, after 27 years, I would be lying if I said that wasn’t emotional for  me, and for my whole family.” This indicated towards how reluctant Lazaridis was to give up the control of the company he co-founded.

He however still maintains his involvement with RIM in a somewhat stratergic way- his recent investment of $50 million in RIM stock is a proof of it. Lazaidis then goes on talking of Heins, he says”I absolutely know he will take this  company to new heights.” He also said that Heins became a part of RIM 4 years ago and has proven himself in this  short period of time . Heins’ performance is going to me throughly monitored next year as Blackberry 10 is scheduled to be launched.


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