Windows Phone is totally controlled by Microsoft, so it is a tough task for developers to create custom-ROMs. We have already seen interop ROMs by official channels from Microsoft through Chevron Labs, and some fully-unlocked ROMs were confined to HTC Windows Phone devices, but now thanks to the Dark Forces Team of developers, we now have fully-unlocked custom ROMs for the Samsung Windows Phones.

The team has announced a fully unlocked ROM for the Samsung Omnia 7 and Samsung Focus v1.3 and 1.4. The ROM is said to have USB issues, so you better watch out. Other things seem to work fine, and there is also a warning to not install any over the air updates since they will overwrite the boot.

This is great news for the Windows Phone developers, since now we could see some cool custom ROMs for the Windows Phone devices. You can check the source link below for details and instructions for flashing the ROM, although you should know that it will void your warranty and may not work as well.


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