This all started from when Google brought its new bubbly interface for the Google Feed UI. The mixture of empty space and the un-swipeable cards with curved edges looks confusing for most of us. We thought that it was just for testing only. But now, Google is rolling it out for all the users.

The new UI comprises separate space taking the field for every topic you select. The topic has similar buddy style box taking additional spaces and with 3-dot menu now separated from the card. As it takes extra space and padding for every news, resultant we only got a 1-2 story on the feed.

Updated Google Feed UI

Also, the UI works differently on different launchers. Some have full Google Symbol at the top, some have only G submerged with the search bar. The same changes on the Google App too, where the Feed rests in a tab along with your upcoming list of date or time taken from your account, recent topic rediscovery and search.

All these updates factor may be a new update from Google but they should also consider what the user demands. For now, we also haven’t got any update but as the buzz around states us, they didn’t like the new UI.