Months ago rumours arose hinting that Samsung might purchase the struggle Research in Motion, later rumours hinted that they might be in talks of licensing the upcoming BlackBerry 10 OS. Well, the rumours are back.

In the latest spat RIM and Samsung are apparently in talks to license BB10 to Samsung as a precautionary step of Google’s impending purchase of Motorola Mobility. Besides Tizen, Samsung will also have BB10 powered smart phones, in return they’ll be investing a significant amount of their cash into RIM. After seeing the BlackBerry London leak, it’s safe to say that BB10 will be a game changer for RIM both in terms of mobile design and competing software. BlackBerry 10 is expected to make it’s appearance anytime after September, if the rumours are true, we may see a whole batch of devices running it by the end of the world, I mean year.


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